This upgrade is not only a matter changing JSON vs XML: it’s about learning and using a fundamentally different technology, MSBuild. Regardless of how big or small your .NET Core project is, you are likely to run into some subtle, big, and bewildering changes to how your build system as you convert. Here is a collection of obvious and not-so-obvious caveats to the MSBuild conversion process.

This is a follow up to Project.json to MSBuild conversion guide

No project.json in VS 2017

And also, no .NET Core csproj for VS 2015. This means you must upgrade to csproj to build .NET Core projects in VS 2017, and you must not upgrade to csproj if you only have VS 2015.

Also, even on command-line only (shout-out to MacBook .NET devs), you can’t reference csproj <=> project.json.

On the bright side :partly_sunny:

VS Code rocks. With the C# extension (as of 1.6.0), you can do either project.json or csproj.

global.json is not completely dead

.NET Core CLI RC3 and newer still support “global.json”.

The Caveat :warning:

The CLI only uses one property, sdk > version.

    "sdk": { "version": "1.0.0-rc3-004350" }

The “projects” property is ignored.

.NET Core CLI tools

Most .NET Core CLI tools in existence require project.json.

The Caveat :warning: At the time of writing, only a handful have been ported to support csproj. All of them will still install, but they won’t work correctly.


    "tools": {
        "Microsoft.DotNet.Watcher.Tools": "1.0.0-preview2-final",
        "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration.Tools": "1.0.0-preview2-final"


<!-- works :) -->
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.DotNet.Watcher.Tools" Version="1.0.0" />

<!-- doesn't :( -->
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration.Tools" Version="1.0.0-preview2-final" />

Side note: about Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration.Tools…

I was the one who deleted Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration.Tools. Don’t worry, you don’t need it in MSBuild. Its functionality is replaced by using ‘Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web’.

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


The new “dotnet-test” is fundamentally different, and dotnet-test-xunit is dead.

After converting several dozen repos, I have found that mostly things still work, with a few exceptions.

CI test reporting

dotnet-test-xunit automatically lit up tests on and TeamCity.

To replace this, you must instead call dotnet test --logger:trx. This produces an XML file. Here’s how various CI’s handle .trx files.

Filtering tests by trait

Can’t be done, as far as I know.

Working directory (RC3 only, should be fixed for RTM)

The working directory of .NET Core tests is not the project directory. Any test that relies on Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() (even implicitly as in File.ReadAllText("log.txt")) will fail after upgrading. You can work around it by using System.AppContext.BaseDirectory, which is the “bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0/” folder. On .NET Framework, use AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.


Most tests using AppDomain.CreateDomain will fail unless you also specify AppDomainSetup.ApplicationBase. It’s still unclear if this is a side effect of the working directory issue, but basically

The re-architected build system

The new .NET Core SDK is fundamentally re-architected. If you primarily use “dotnet restore” and “dotnet build”, you may not notice this at first.

With project.json, “dotnet.exe” was the foundation of how a project was compiled and run. With the new SDK, the “csproj” flavor, the foundation is now MSBuild. Many “dotnet” subcommands are command-line sugar for MSBuild equivalents.

Examples of equivalent commands:

dotnet restore
dotnet msbuild /nologo /t:Restore
dotnet build --framework netcoreapp1.0 --verbosity detailed
dotnet msbuild /nologo /t:Build /p:TargetFramework=netcoreapp1.0 /verbosity:detailed
dotnet test --no-build
dotnet msbuild /nologo /t:VSTest /p:VSTestNoBuild=true 

Notice I said “most”. Not all. “dotnet-migrate” and “dotnet-add” to name a few are not simply MSBuild-sugar.

The Caveat :warning:

These commands allow you to mix dotnet.exe and MSBuild.exe command line flags by adding dotnet-cli flags first and MSBuild flags last.

For example, these are also equivalent

dotnet build --framework netcoreapp1.0
dotnet build /p:TargetFramework=netcoreapp1.0

Visual Studio vs “dotnet.exe”

With project.json projects, Visual Studio 2015 used so start a new shell execute of “dotnet.exe”

Visual Studio Build => C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe

Installing a new version of dotnet.exe was just a matter up updating what was inside C:\Program Files\dotnet.

The Caveat 1 :warning:

Visual Studio 2017 does not shell execute dotnet.exe.

Visual Studio Build => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe

VS 2017 has and entire duplicate of the MSBuild targets. You must upgrade both places to get updates.

C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\1.0.0-rc3-004350\Microsoft.CSharp.targets
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Microsoft.CSharp.targets

On the bright side :partly_sunny:

This means you don’t need dotnet.exe to build things.

From the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt, these are *usually equivalent

dotnet build
dotnet msbuild /t:Build
MSBuild.exe /t:Build

The Caveat 2 :warning:

I said *usually. If you install a download a new version of dotnet.exe, Visual Studio will not use it. You must also update Visual Studio to get updates.

MSBuild.exe vs dotnet msbuild

This one is all Caveat :warning:

dotnet-msbuild and MSBuild.exe may look the same, but they are not.

Built-in targets

They do not have the same set of build-in targets.

MSBuild.exe can build Xamarin, UWP, TypeScript, Docker projects, (classic) .NET Framework, :drumroll: Microsoft.NET.Sdk projects.

dotnet msbuild (for now) can only build Microsoft.NET.Sdk projects.

Under-the-hood runtime

dotnet msbuild runs on .NET Core, MSBuild.exe runs on .NET Framework

This has big implications for those writing MSBuild tasks. To make your task work in both places, you must cross-compile for task assembly or target netstandard1.3.

It also means that it is possible to hit a bug building with “dotnet.exe”, but it will work fine with MSBuild.exe

Changes in dotnet command line syntax

Here are just a few examples of changes to dotnet commands.

Recursive dotnet-restore

In preview 2, executing “dotnet restore” used to recursively search for any file in all subdirectories named ‘project.json’.

The Caveat :warning:

dotnet restore only searches the current directory for a file ending in *.sln or *.*proj and restores that.

On the bright side :partly_sunny:

dotnet restore will include the transitive closure of all projects referenced from your solution or project file. That didn’t work with project.json.


In preview 2, some commands, like dotnet-build supported globs.

dotnet build src/*/project.json

The Caveat :warning:

You can only call ‘dotnet build’ on one file.

dotnet build App.csproj
dotnet build Project.sln

On the bright side :partly_sunny:

dotnet build supports solution files.

Global verbose flag

In preview 2, you could prepend --verbose to all subcommands.

dotnet --verbose subcommand

The Caveat :warning:

This flag no longer works and will cause an error.

On the bright side :partly_sunny:

There are all many levels of verbosity.

dotnet build --verbosity (value)     
Allowed values are: q[uiet] m[inimal] n[ormal] d[etailed] diag[nostic]


In preview 2, test frameworks, like dotnet-test-xunit, controlled dotnet-test syntax.

dotnet test -method NameSpace.Class.Method

The Caveat :warning:

Now, all test framework must use the same syntax which is determined by VSTest…and IMO it’s not as easy to use.

dotnet test --filter FullyQualifiedName=NameSpace.Class.Method


This upgrade is not just a matter of JSON vs XML. It’s really about MSBuild.

MSBuild is an ‘old’ technology (i.e. invented before I went to college). This means it is a veteran, fully-featured build technology. It is the backbone of Visual Studio. It has features project.json never had, such as file logging, parallel builds, incremental builds, and distributing custom-build steps via NuGet.

The Caveat

It may be old, but it’s probably new to you.

Don’t worry, you’ll pick it up. Cheers,
